Monday, July 16, 2007

Unit III course evaluation

-Unit I: Cells and Genetics
-Unit II: The Body--Internal Maintenance
-Unit III: The Body--Environmental Interactions
-Unit IV: Human Populations (I know, you haven't done it yet, but you can check it out)
Which Unit did you like best and why? I enjoyed unit II the best, it related best to what I need to know for becoming a nurse and it just had my complete attention the entire unit.
Which Unit did you like least and why? Unit I only because even in middle and high school when I was learning about cells I did so horrible and I think its because there’s so much you have to know and remember that I would sic myself out.
Is there some major area of Human Biology that you feel was neglected and should be included in the course? no, not to me I learned so much that in this short period of time if you add anything else it could really overwhelm students.
-Food and Nutrition
-Nervous Function
-Human Ecology
Which two Major Topics stand out as particularly well presented? Why? Oxygen/Blood/Immunity, and Food and Nutrition I said these too because there were so many different view points and the book did a great job at getting into details.
Which two Major Topics stand out as having been confusing or difficult to understand? Why? Cells and Genetics, Genetics not so much I got the concept and the end of the unit but cells for sure I would say should be a unit on its own.
Other comments regarding course content: The way you set up the course was easy at least for me to check my grades, view power points, and do my homework.
Have you taken an online course before? No
How would you describe your "digital nativeness" or ease of using the computer and internet? well I can be a little challenged when it comes to the computer but the internet was easy. I only had problems getting my pictures and charts on blogger
For the following aspects of the course, please how effective each one was for you (very, somewhat, not much):
-Overall Course Welcome and Orientation Video: Very
-Unit Introduction Videos: somewhat some of them I admit I didn’t watch because I liked the power points better
-PowerPoint presentations (please indicate if you listened to the narrations): Very no narration.
-Online Weblinks: Very
-Online Labs: Very
-Lab Projects: Very
-Ethical Issues: Very
-Textbook: somewhat
-Blogs for presenting assignments: Somewhat
-E-mail or other interactions with instructor: Very
Which two aspects of the course delivery and evaluation from the above list most helped you to learn? Why? Online labs and Ethical issues
Which two aspects of the course delivery (course activities and assignments) would you recommend changing or eliminating? Why? Unit introduction videos, and maybe the blogs
Was there any part of the course website that you found confusing or difficult to navigate? Compendium review
Other comments regarding course delivery and interaction with website/instructor: no just that for me the compendium reviews were really difficult because I didn’t understand what you were expecting.

1 comment:

Larry Frolich said...

Karie, the only work I saw for this unit is the Ethics Issue. I posted the course eval to the open forum since it is supposed to be anonymous. You can eliminate it from the blog—I didn’t read it under your name. Let me know when you can complete the other assignments for this unit.