Monday, July 16, 2007

Unit Three Ethical Issue: the concept working?

In today’s world we have a topic that is rapidly growing, obesity. In most of today’s studies we can see that every year obesity is starting in children younger and younger. Why is this you well I am going to get into that through my essay. Some people think that our society has become obese because of the towns we live in. Others think its because we don’t exercise. What is your opinion?
James O. Hill, Holly R. Wyatt, and John C. Peters made statements that they think the way we build our communities affects our physical crisis. I agree only so far, I agree that we do have to many fast food restaurants, and not enough fun outdoor activities going on. I disagree when they stated that having more sidewalks makes people less reliant on there automobile and more likely to walk. For example we have a Target and less than a five minute walk in the same shopping center we have an Old Navy. When it is 98 degrees outside I have seen more people getting into their cars and driving to Old Navy from Target, Why? I can say that for me its because after getting out of the Old Navy I don’t want to walk back to Target. Its all about convenience, today the world is all about fast and easy that’s why we rely on fast food so much.
James, Holly, and John also stated that fast food is a big dilemma. I agree one-hundred percent with that statement and ill tell you why. They are right when they said that the super sized menu has increased our obesity. People will go to McDonalds and order food and they super size it will making sure they eat it all. Fast food restaurants’ serve foods that are high in sugar and fat yet very cheap and affordable. For us we believe that we are getting a smoking’ deal when really the fast food business is laughing because they can do all this for just pennies. They also stated that the only way we are going to change this is if it is replaced with a different deal but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Some people these days have stated that exercise will get of obesity completely. I disagree I believe that exercise will only reduce the number of obese cases in younger children. I also think from experience of just getting out of high school that drug and alcohol abuse is a big factor of obesity in younger adults. They get so wrapped up in the parties and drugs that they slowly stop engaging in sports and activities and I think that it greatly affects the world. Exercise only slows down obesity but if we all exercised and ate right our world would be less obese.
So do you think that obesity is ever going to get under control? Do you agree with James O. Hill, Holly R. Wyatt, and John C. Peters that its our communities that make our world obese? Or is it the exercise that needs to be increased? They all have very great opinions and very striking evidence. Will people listen to them and change our worlds problem?
I can see that only a few people will really get into these issues but its better that some people change rather than none. I will definitely start eating right and working out more. I still see people driving rather than walking or riding a bike only because it is so convenient. Fast food is still going to serve foods that are high in fat and sugar yet sadly enough we are still going to give in and order it. Our world will never be obese free but hopefully the younger generations will have less cases of obesity.

1 comment:

desertfiddlekate said...

This was a very interesting essay. I liked your discussion on the convenience concept and how that has greatly affected obesity levels. I think you're right! Also, I really enjoyed your conclusion. It was not pessimistic, but it was also not unrealistic. The only thing that could be improved is maybe the grammar part of the essay. If you read through it just once more, it would be fine. :) I was surprised by your discussion of the drugs and alcohol factor on obesity. I had never thought of that aspect, and I think it is a valid issue to think about. Thanks. :) Good job!