Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Compendium Review 7

*Human Life Cycle
-male reproduction system
-female reproduction system
-control of reproduction
-embryo development
-fetal development
-pregnancy and birth
-development after birth
-duplication division
-takes place during growth and repair of tissues
-reduction division
-only in the testes of males during production of sperm
-in the ovaries of females during the production of eggs
-chromosomes are reduced from the normal 46 called diploid down to 23 which is called haploid

*Male reproduction system
-testes are the primary sex organ that are contained in the scrotum
-vas deferens pass into the abdominal cavity, where it curves around the bladder and empties into an ejaculatory duct
-urethra is what the ducts are called
-semen is what you call the sperm that ejaculate from the penis
-seminal vesicles lie at the base of the bladder, and each has a duct that join with a vas deferen
-prostate gland is a single, donut-shaped gland that surrounds the upper portion of the urethra just below the bladder
-bulbourethral glands are pea-sized organs that lie posterior to the prostate on either side of the urethra

-seminiferous tubules contain within lobules
-spermatogenesis is the production of sperm
-sertoli cells, support, nourish, and regulate the process of spermatogenesis
-sperm that is mature has three parts:
--a head
--a middle peice
--a tail
-chrosome stores enzymes needed to penetrate the egg

*Female Reproduction System
-ovaries lie in a shallow depression
-eggs are produced by the ocaries
-zygote is a formation, fertilization,that usually takes place in the oviduct
-implantation occurs-the embryo embeds in the uterine lining, which has been prepared to receive it
-pap testis to detect cancer of the cervix
-endometriom is the lining of the uterus



The ovarain follicle produces increasing levels of estrogen, which cause the endometrium to thicken during the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle. After ovulation and during the luteal phase of the ovarain cycle, LH promotes the development of the corpus luteum.

If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum does not regress. Instead, the corpus luteum is maintained and secretes increasing amounts of progesterone. Therefor, menstruation does not occur, and the uterine lining, where the embryo resides, is maintained.

*Birth control methods

*birth control pill

-contain a synthetic estrogen and progesterone

-fools body into acting like it is pregnacy has occured

-thickens the cervical mucus preventing sperm entry into the uterus


-100% effective

-best way to not get pregnate

*female condum
-is fitted for the vagina

-prevents sperm from entering

-79% effective

*male condum

-latex that fits over the penis

-prevents sperm from going into the vagina

-prevents against STD's

-89% effective

-sperm swim with their tails
-the head of the sperm makes its way through the cornoa radiata
-acroaomal enzymes digest a porton of zona pellucida
-sperm binds binds to and fuses with the eggs plasma membrane
-sperm nucleus enters cytoplasm of egg
-cortical granules releaseenzymes
*Pre-Embryonic Development
-pre-embryonic development encompasses the events of the first week, as shown
-morula is a compact ball of embryonic cells that become a blastocyst
-inner cell mass surrounded by an outer layer of cells
-chorion emphasizes the complete dependence of the developing embryo on this extraembryonic membrane

*Embryonic Development

-begins with the second weeek and last until the second month

-by the second week the embryo inbeds itself into the uterus

-ectopic pregnancy can not succeed because an oviduct is unable to support it


By the third week the nervous system and the heart begin to develop

Who should reproduce?

Who should reproduce? A good question correct? Well in this essay it is going to get answered. You are going to hear different view points and lots of facts so you can choose for yourself what you think about it. People want to talk about other countries but I want to focus on our country. You may be asking why and i have a great anwser, we live in this country and i think that we should be educated about our country before we try to undestand other countries. So lets talk about our country and what we need to do or what problems we can talk about.
There is an organization called the Zero Population Growth that has been doing research in Africa and other countries. I want to take what they have said and incorperate that into our country. They said that is every couple had only two children than it would be just like replacing ourselves. I agree when we die than we have our two children that will replace us. So in the end our poplulation will never rise. It also goes for people that dont have children and choose to adopt. If everyone only adopted one child than our country would eventually over years would decrease in poplulation.
Should we be worried about other countries and there poplulations or what they eat or dont eat? I agree that to keep our world all even and every country where they should be, that we should be aware but i dont think that we should focus more on there population than ours. We should be trying to make sure that in 50 years our population isnt decreasing and that disease is all under control.
Recently there was a news article saying that in todays world we dont have as many children as we used to 20 years ago. I think that things have changed in a way that people want to adopt more than they did 20 years ago. To me thats weird having your own child is a wonderful experience and for those people that truly cant have children why do we always have to resort to adopting from other countries when here in our country we have millions if not more children that dont have homes or live in foster care. People say that foster care is like having a home but in reality its not it is a temporary situation.
So do you think about all the different veiw points? Who do you side with? Do you agree with adoption, busting our population or do you truly believe that we should put all our focus on other countries and there populations? Its all your opinion and frankly i think that most of what was said is an opinion as well besides the numbers.
Who should reproduce? Thats the question that i hope i have anwsered for you. It is an important issue that needs to be delt with. Hopefully though this essay people will read and try to change the future. We are the future and we control how to really change it so hopefully it works.

self reflection 4

1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
I am very proud of my compendium reviews i feel like i am getting the hang of them. The labs are also getting easier to me and i enjoy them more. Of course the ethical issues are so exciting for me to write, i love that all the issues were interesting to me so i felt i did a great job with them.
2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement? My big labs, I feel that maybe i didnt fully understand them 100% of the time. Also I had a lot of trouble getting my pictures onto blogger so i dont think that you got the full project that i did. Blogger never let me comment on other peoples ethical essays and that was fustrating and i felt that i had to take a 5 point loss each unit
3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit? a low B or a high C because i tired my hardest, but i was sick and in a weird position that i couldnt put 100% into this class and that upsets me.
4. How could I perform better in the next unit? Just try to get as much done as fast as i can but still but in my best work.

REGARDING THE UNIT (adapted from Stephen Brookfield, University of St. Thomas "Critical Incident Questionnaire")
At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?
Unit 4 i think because i am pregnate and it was crazy to see and read all that i did because i didnt know most of it.
At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course?
unit 1 i have had the same problem with this unit in high school and i just dont really know what it is.
What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful? just my teacher was sooo understanding and made me feel so much less stress and i am just really thinkful that there are people out there in this world that can a teacher and a person and i really i dont know what i wouldve done without his help.

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing?ummm some of the comments on my blogger were a little like did you really read my essay or no.

What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
Maybe i would say the units were set up in a surprising way....easy to go about and do your work.

Lab 8

This is a graph of Madagascar

This is a graph of Africa

1. What was your high fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?
Africa- fertile rate was 5.90 children at 54.9 years
Africa's high- 6.5 children at 57 years
Madagascar fertile rate- 6.81 children at 53.1 years
Madagascar high- 7.8 children at 55 years

2. What was your low fertility rate country and what was its fertility rate?
Africa's fertile rate-5.90 children at 53.1 years
Africa's fertile low rate-5 children at 50 years
Madagascar's fertile rate-6.81 children at 53.1 years
Madagascar's fertile low rate-6 children at 51.2 years

3. The initial demographic "shape" of your high fertility rate country should have been a pyramid, with high population in young age groups. Explain why high fertility rate results in a high percentage of young people in the population. How does this affect future population growth?
There is a higher percentage of younger people due to the life expectancy. They are expected to live shorter lives than people in America live. People in these countries have many children so at most points there are more children running around than there are adults. They have poverty and issues with the water and food so the adults tend to feed the younger children and the adults tend to get sick and eventually die off quicker than adults. This is a big issue because if you have a world that has manly younger people than at younger and younger ages they will be giving birth and it could eventually kill off there country.

4. Your low fertility rate country might have had a more oval-shaped curve with high population in middle age groups. This is especially exaggerated if the fertility rate is below 2.00. Explain why low fertility rate leads to lots of middle-aged people.
It can happen when couples aren't having enough children. For example if every home only has 1 child than the population is going to have more older people and over time it is going to be very hard to reverse that.

5. Write ten adjectives or descriptive phrases for what you might expect life, people's attitudes, conditions on the streets, etc. will be like in each of those situations. Imagine a situation with lots of middle-aged and older people in the population and write ten quick "brain-storm" descriptors for you think it would be like (Prescott, Arizona?). Then do the same for a situation with lots of children in the population.
-over run
-not enough life
-more sick
-more needy
-less quiet
-more hospitals
-more nurses
-less schools
-less cars on the road
-more retirement homes

-more schools
-more kid activities
-less retirement homes
-more cars on the road
-more accidents
-more drinking
-more cops
-more jobs
-less complaints
-more fast foods

Lab 7 : Fetal Development

Week 5
Your embryo is growing rapidly and the hearts middle layer start to form. This is a very important time due to its all about the heart and it needs to be developed properly.

Week 13

Your baby has fingerprints now. Baby has working kidneys and urinary track but are still developing. Your chances for a miscarriage are safer now and continue to get safer. This is a great significance because of the miscarriage issue.

Week 18

You can now start to feel the baby. The baby is now about 5 to 5 in a half inches long and weighs about 7 to 8oz. I think this is a significant event because this is the beginning for you and your baby to start bonding together.

Week 20

Your baby is starting to swallow which is a great sign of the digestive system. Your baby moves throughout the day and is growing greatly. At this point in your pregnancy you may start to feel you are getting bigger or have crazy cravings. This is significant because you are just weeks away from knowing the sex of your baby and on the road to bonding with your partner and baby.

Week 24

Eyebrows and eyelids are now in place. The baby practices stretching out so movement is more apparent. The babies taste buds are developing and skin is soft and wrinkly. Its important to keep up your nutrients because baby needs them at this point.

Week 26

The lungs are beginning to develop, so this is a big part of development for the baby. This is important that everything goes good during development because if anything goes wrong it could lead to problems for the baby later.

Week 27
The baby has more brain tissue now so there is more movement. The baby is starting to get the hiccups but might only last a few moments but its a good sign to look for. This is significant due to your babies movement is very important and make sure you tell your doctor they'll want to know for later visits if the activity seems to weaken or strengthen.

Week 29

The baby is starting to need a lot more calcium and other vitamins. This is an important part of pregnancy because you need to make sure you eat more cheese and drink more milk so you and the baby can stay healthy and well. The baby is going to take it from you so if you don't have enough than you will be the only that is losing it and that's not good.

Week 36

This is time that your baby is now safe to be born if you were to go into labor. You baby's kidneys are developed and the lungs are about 90% developed. Your baby has shed all the hair on its body and is probably in a head down position. This is a significant point because if your baby were to be born they would be okay as long as there weren't any other complications.

Week 40

This is significant to me in that this is the only real safe time to give birth and everything is a 100% developed. Your baby may come out with a cone-shaped head due to the pressure during birth but its normal and will go away.

Compendium Review 6

Skeletal System







skeletal movement





cell structure


muscular disorders


*Functions of Skeleton

-supports the body

-protects soft body parts

-produces blood cells

-stores minerals and fat

-allows flexible body movement

*Anatomy of a Long Bone

-the shaft is called a diaphysis

-medullary cavity is contained in the diaphysis whose walls are composed of compact bone

-epiphysis is the expanded region at the end of the bone

-epiphyses are coated with a thin layer of hyaline cartilage, which is called articular cartilage due to it occurs at a joint

-spongy bone has an unorgaized appearence

-red bond marrow fills the spaces of a spongy bone


-is not as strong as bone

-more flexible

-chondrocytes cells lie within lacunae that are irregularly grouped

*types of cartilage



-somewhat flexible


-stronger than Hyaline

-can withstand pressure and tension


-more flexible than hyaline

-found in ear flaps


Bones growth, remodel, and repair need involvment of a couple different cells


-bone firming cells

-secrete organic matrix

-promote deposition of calcuim salts into the matrix


-mature blood cells

-derived from osteoblasts

-maintainbone structure


-bone-absorbing cells

-break done bone

-assist in depositing calcuim and phosphate in the blood

*Bone development and Growth


-formation of bone

-intramembranous ossification

-bone develop between sheets of fibrous connective tissue

-endochondral ossification

-bone replaces the cartilaginous models of the bone

-hormones affect bone growth

*Bone remodeling

-normally keeps bones strong

-bones can respond to stress

*Bone Repair

-required after it breaks or fractures

*It takes 4 stages to heal a fracture:

-Hematoma, blood escapes from ruptured blood vessels and forms a hematoma in the space between the broken bones within 6-8 hours

-Fibrocartilaginous callus fills the space between the ends of the broken bone for about 3 weeks after tissue repair begins

-Bony callus. Osteoblasts produce trabeculae of spongy bone and convert the fibrocartilage callus to a bony callus that joins the broken bones together and lasts about 3-4 months

-Remodeling. Osteoblasts build new compact bone at the periphery, and ostoclasts absorb the spongy bone, creating a new medullary cavity


-formed by the cranium

-fontanels usually close by 16 months old by intramembranous ossification

-sinuses are air spaces lined by mucous membrane

-mastoiditis is a condition that can lead to deafness, is an inflammation of these sinuses

-frontal bone forms the forhead

-parietal bones extend to the sides

-occipital bone curves to form the base of the skull

-foramen megnum through which the spinal cord passes and becomes the brain stem

-sphenoid bone is shaped like a bat with outstreched wings

-ethmoid bone lies in front of the sphenoid

*facial bones

-mandible is the lower jaw

-maxillae are the bones that form the upper jaw

-zygomatic bones are the cheekbone prominence

-nasal bones form the bridge of the nose

*Hyoid bone

-not part of skull

-part of the axail skeleton

-attached to the temporal bones by muscles and ligaments and to the larynx by a membrane

*Synovial Joints

-a joint having a cavity filled with synovial fluid, a lubricant for the joint. Ligaments connect bone to bone and support or strengthen a joint. Fluid-filled sacs called bursae ease friction between bare areas of bone and overlapping muscles, or between skin and tendons.

*Types of muscles

-smooth muscle fibers are spindle-shaped cells

-cardiac muscle forms the heart wall

-intercalated disks contain gap junstions that permit contractions to spread quickly throughtout the heart wall

-skeleton muscle fiberes are tubular, multinucleated, and striated.

*Functions of muscles

-supports the body

-make bones move

-help maintain a constant body temperature

-contraction assists movement in cardiovascular and lymphatic vessels

-help to protect internal organs and stabilize joints

*Muscle Fibers

-sarcolemma, the plasma membrane

-the cytoplasm is the sarcoplasm; and the endoplasmic reticulum is the sarcoplasmic reticulum

-T tubules penetrate into the cell so that theycomes into contact but not fuse

-myofibrils contractile portions of the mucsle fibers


-thick filaments are composed of several hundred molecules of the protein myosin

-thin filaments consists of 2 intertwinning strands of protein actin

Monday, July 30, 2007

Compendium Review 5

*Nervous Function

*Central Nervous System

*Peripheral Nervous System

* Sensory Neurons

*Sensory input allows information in

*Motor output allows response

-2 examples of this are the muscles, which control movement, and Glands,

which are secretion.

*Sensory controls our movement

*How our hands move

* When we pick up that cup

*Action Potentials

*Ability to send a message similar to that of an animal
*Very common in nervous tissue cells called neurons and in muscle tissue


*The main cells in the nervous system

*Transmit messages

-Action Potentials

*Axon carries messages

*Single neurons carries messages to and from periphery

*A majority of neurons never die or divide after the initial nervous system development

*Myelin Sheath

*Hundreds and thousands of axons are contained in a single nerve

*Myelin Sheath surrounds each axon

*Myelin Sheath is a fat-based insulating substance

*Myelin Sheath isolates neurons to help speed up the action potential propagation

*Sensory neurons

*Brings in information from everywhere but the spinal cord and brain

*Motor neurons

*take messages from spinal cord and brain


*Neurotransmitter is secreted to stimulate connecting neurons or muscle cells

*Sensory receptors respond to stimulus from body or environment
*visual cortex forms visual field or completevisual image

* Sensory cortex maps touch sensation from entire skin surface

* in our head we have 5 senses


*taste buds are located primarily on the tongue. Along the walls of the oaoillae are many taste buds as well. Isolated taste buds are also present on the hard palate, the pharynx, and the epiglottis. There are four primary types of taste: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. There is a fifth flavor that exists in cheese, beef broth and some sea foods, its called umami. The tip of the tongue is the most sensitive to sweet taste. the margins of the tongue are most sensitive to salty and sour taste and the rear of the tongue to bitter taste.


-the outer layer, sclera
-cornea, made of transparent collagen fibers

-choroid, the middle,thin, darkly pigmented layer

-iris donut-shaped towards the front

-pupil a hole in the center of the iris through which light enters

-ciliary body contains the ciliary muscle, which controls the shape of the lens for near and far vision

-lens, attached to the ciliary body by suspensory ligaments

-aqueous humor is clear, watery fluid

-when someone has glaucoma, these drainage ducts are blocked


*80-90% of what we think is taste is actually due to our sense of smell.

*our sense of smell depends on between 10 and 20 million olfactory cells

* olfactory cells are located within the olfactory epithelium high in the roof of the

nasal cavity

*The brain receives odor information

*outer ear consist of the pinna and auditory canal

*middle ear begins at the tympanic membrane and ends at a bony wall containing 2 small openings covered by membranes

*oval and round windows are the openings

*Ossicles are three small bones between the tympanic membrane and oval window

*malleus the hammer

*incus the anvil

*stapes the stirrup are what they are called individually

*Auditory tube extends from the middle ear to the nasopharynx

*inner ear has three areas

-semicircular canals


*both concerned with equilibrium


*concerned with hearing


*The vestibular nerve arises in the semicircular canals, saccule, and utricle, takes nerve impulses to the brain stem and cerebellum. Through its communication with the brain, the vestibular nerve helps us achieve equilibrium, other structures in the body are also involved.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Neurons Lab: 5

1. What is the electrode measuring?

The electrode is measuring the activity of the neurons.

2. Why use leeches in neurophysiology experiments?

They are easy to disset due to their large and easy to reach neurons.

3. What is the difference between a sensory and a motor neurons?

A sensory neuron produces impulses from an organ to the brain and spinal cord. A motor neuron produces impulses from the brain and spinal cord to an organ.

4. Do you think that leeches experience pain? what is pain?

Yes, I believe that they do feel pain since they have a functioning body with a working brain. Pain is defined as "hurt or suffering of the body or mind."

5. What were the two most interesting things about doing this lab?

I was able to dissect without smelling or seeing the real thing. I also enjoyed learning to read all the different types of neurons.

6. Anything you found confusing or dont like about the lab?

No, i thought the directions were clear and easy.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Unit III course evaluation

-Unit I: Cells and Genetics
-Unit II: The Body--Internal Maintenance
-Unit III: The Body--Environmental Interactions
-Unit IV: Human Populations (I know, you haven't done it yet, but you can check it out)
Which Unit did you like best and why? I enjoyed unit II the best, it related best to what I need to know for becoming a nurse and it just had my complete attention the entire unit.
Which Unit did you like least and why? Unit I only because even in middle and high school when I was learning about cells I did so horrible and I think its because there’s so much you have to know and remember that I would sic myself out.
Is there some major area of Human Biology that you feel was neglected and should be included in the course? no, not to me I learned so much that in this short period of time if you add anything else it could really overwhelm students.
-Food and Nutrition
-Nervous Function
-Human Ecology
Which two Major Topics stand out as particularly well presented? Why? Oxygen/Blood/Immunity, and Food and Nutrition I said these too because there were so many different view points and the book did a great job at getting into details.
Which two Major Topics stand out as having been confusing or difficult to understand? Why? Cells and Genetics, Genetics not so much I got the concept and the end of the unit but cells for sure I would say should be a unit on its own.
Other comments regarding course content: The way you set up the course was easy at least for me to check my grades, view power points, and do my homework.
Have you taken an online course before? No
How would you describe your "digital nativeness" or ease of using the computer and internet? well I can be a little challenged when it comes to the computer but the internet was easy. I only had problems getting my pictures and charts on blogger
For the following aspects of the course, please how effective each one was for you (very, somewhat, not much):
-Overall Course Welcome and Orientation Video: Very
-Unit Introduction Videos: somewhat some of them I admit I didn’t watch because I liked the power points better
-PowerPoint presentations (please indicate if you listened to the narrations): Very no narration.
-Online Weblinks: Very
-Online Labs: Very
-Lab Projects: Very
-Ethical Issues: Very
-Textbook: somewhat
-Blogs for presenting assignments: Somewhat
-E-mail or other interactions with instructor: Very
Which two aspects of the course delivery and evaluation from the above list most helped you to learn? Why? Online labs and Ethical issues
Which two aspects of the course delivery (course activities and assignments) would you recommend changing or eliminating? Why? Unit introduction videos, and maybe the blogs
Was there any part of the course website that you found confusing or difficult to navigate? Compendium review
Other comments regarding course delivery and interaction with website/instructor: no just that for me the compendium reviews were really difficult because I didn’t understand what you were expecting.

Unit Three Ethical Issue: Exercise...is the concept working?

In today’s world we have a topic that is rapidly growing, obesity. In most of today’s studies we can see that every year obesity is starting in children younger and younger. Why is this you well I am going to get into that through my essay. Some people think that our society has become obese because of the towns we live in. Others think its because we don’t exercise. What is your opinion?
James O. Hill, Holly R. Wyatt, and John C. Peters made statements that they think the way we build our communities affects our physical crisis. I agree only so far, I agree that we do have to many fast food restaurants, and not enough fun outdoor activities going on. I disagree when they stated that having more sidewalks makes people less reliant on there automobile and more likely to walk. For example we have a Target and less than a five minute walk in the same shopping center we have an Old Navy. When it is 98 degrees outside I have seen more people getting into their cars and driving to Old Navy from Target, Why? I can say that for me its because after getting out of the Old Navy I don’t want to walk back to Target. Its all about convenience, today the world is all about fast and easy that’s why we rely on fast food so much.
James, Holly, and John also stated that fast food is a big dilemma. I agree one-hundred percent with that statement and ill tell you why. They are right when they said that the super sized menu has increased our obesity. People will go to McDonalds and order food and they super size it will making sure they eat it all. Fast food restaurants’ serve foods that are high in sugar and fat yet very cheap and affordable. For us we believe that we are getting a smoking’ deal when really the fast food business is laughing because they can do all this for just pennies. They also stated that the only way we are going to change this is if it is replaced with a different deal but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Some people these days have stated that exercise will get of obesity completely. I disagree I believe that exercise will only reduce the number of obese cases in younger children. I also think from experience of just getting out of high school that drug and alcohol abuse is a big factor of obesity in younger adults. They get so wrapped up in the parties and drugs that they slowly stop engaging in sports and activities and I think that it greatly affects the world. Exercise only slows down obesity but if we all exercised and ate right our world would be less obese.
So do you think that obesity is ever going to get under control? Do you agree with James O. Hill, Holly R. Wyatt, and John C. Peters that its our communities that make our world obese? Or is it the exercise that needs to be increased? They all have very great opinions and very striking evidence. Will people listen to them and change our worlds problem?
I can see that only a few people will really get into these issues but its better that some people change rather than none. I will definitely start eating right and working out more. I still see people driving rather than walking or riding a bike only because it is so convenient. Fast food is still going to serve foods that are high in fat and sugar yet sadly enough we are still going to give in and order it. Our world will never be obese free but hopefully the younger generations will have less cases of obesity.