Friday, June 29, 2007

Self evaluation Unit 2

This unit i would have to say was an interesting one and i am sure to use all the information in the future. I want to be a nurse and in this unit I learned to a pulse and understand blood pressure. When i did the big lab i was so excited we got to use what we learned and get some experience, even if it was on our own body. This unit covered so much about cells and veins and the blood that pumps through them. I never really understood why cells sickled or even why people couldn't get better from AIDS. Its all common sense but to know and understand the working functions of why these things happens is all science and I am glad that I read this unit as well as I did. Since I am pregnant when we were doing the lab where we had to write down everything we ate in a day, I was really embarrassed but glad that I did it just so i could see how unhealthy I really am now.

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