I decided to do a model of a working leg. There are about five important bones in the hip and lower leg. First is the pelvis and it goes all the way to the tarsals. The body has so many very important bones and i think that this is the most important limb of bones we have in our bodies.

In this picture I have all of my materials

This is a picture of the tibia as the big bone on the right and the fibula, the smaller bone on the left. At the top there is a bone called the tibial tuberosity which is part of the tibia. The top of the fibula is called the head of fibula.

This is a picture of the knee to the top of the femur. The
femur is the longest and strongest bone in the body. The knee cap is acually called the patella. The head of the femur articulates with the coxal bones at the acetabulum, and the short neck better positions the legs for walking.

This is an overview picture of what is together so far from the fibula to the top of the femur

This is a picture of the coxal region. This region is the pelvis which supports most of the body and lets the body walk.

This is an overview picture of the pelvis all the way down to the bottem of the fibula.

This is a picture of the bottem of the fibula. The markers are the toes and the candle is the talus. The tarsal bones, one of which can move freely where it joins the tibia and fibula.

This is the overview shot of the work limb, the pelvix girdle and lower limb.
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