Friday, June 29, 2007

This is what i ate yesterday.
-How healthy a daily diet do you think this is? Why?
i think that this is an okay diet but i find it hard for me now that i am pregnate. All i want to do eat and i want to eat things that arent always so good for you.
-What would you change about this day's eating, if anything?
less butter
-Do you find this kind of nutritional tracking helpful? Why or why not? yes, because it keeps you aware of what you are eating and how bad it really is.

Compedium Review 4 continued

•Type I diabetes—no insulin produced by pancreas
•Type II diabetes (obesity-related)—cells become resistant to insulin and can’t utilize glucose

Compendium Review 4


This is a picture of the GI track. It start with the mouth, teeth chew and the saliva is used in digesting and the tongue allows you to swallow. Air is blocked off while swallowing, Food enters the esophagus and peristalsis begins. The esophagus moves food to the stomach. The stomach expands and the food is stored. The duodenum of the small intestine receives bile from the liver and pancreatic juice from the pancreas. Bile emulsifies fat and readies it for for digestion by lipase. The pancreas produces enzymes that digest starch, protein and fat. The intestinal enzymes finish the process of chemical digestion. Small nutrient molecules are absorbed at the villi in the walls of the small intestine. The pancreas produces pancreatic juice. The liver produces bile, destroys old blood cells, stores iron and store glucose. the liver produces bile and the gallbladder stores it. the large intestine consists of the cecum, the colon, and the rectum which end up and the anus. The large intestine absorbs water, salts, and some vitamins.


We should be provided with good energy after our food has digested completly. Obesity is on the rise due to people not eating correctly. This is a big issue. Carbohydrates are necessary in any diet but only so many should be consumed in a day.

The food pyramid is a great tool to use:

Ethical Issue: What is Food?

How is food produced? Why don't we eat spiritually and culturally? Can we improve on our health in the future? These are all question that I ask myself as i sit here and eat my fast food subway sandwich. why has our world come to this? Why is it okay that we have fast food on more than every corner? Is this the new world that we have to get used to? Is it going to change? Is the world going to become more obese now or can we change?
I can remember back when I was a little girl and my grandma would tell us that it was so important for us to cook great meals for our families. She would spend hours in the kitchen cooking home made Italian food, southern food and sometimes American food. To me it was a great cultural experience and now that I am living in my own home it seems that cooking dinner, which happens only so often, is the only meal you cook at all. I wish that i could keep my grandma in my back pocket and pull her out to help me come up with great breakfest, lunch and dinner meals.
Just think obesity is on the rise in our country and most people want to blame it on fast food. Michael Pollan says that we should look at the nutrients in the food we are eating. If you think about it subway is considered a fast food but yet it is healthy and has great nutrients for you. So I think that the obesity problem is junk fast food plus lack of exercise. In my mind I see people that I know and they are always hurting for money but they eat fast food 3 or even 4 meals a day. To me i think that going to the grocery story and buying food and then going home and making it you would save more, look and feel better. I could probably say that eating at restaurants is not very good for you, well at least the chain restaurants. I used to work at red Lobster and we would get shipments in and stuff and just looking at it get cooked know what it was is just not pleasant.
Yet i cant stop thinking that we have a real problem on our hands. Why is it so hard for our country to eat healthier? I can only remember having great meals at my house when we had lots of people coming over. I can sit here today and remember that and look at today and say wow I am just like my mom. I only cook when there are people over and they ask me to cook. I admit i eat out a lot. My fiance eats out everyday at work and to me that would get old but than it hits me it is old and i eat out too.
Michael Pollan says we should eat only foods with nutrients in them and I agree but I also think that we should eat foods that are part of our culture. Like I am Italian and I want to eat pastas and bread sticks. Mix it up to don't just stick to one culture, try them all see how great they are. I think that Michael Pollan has a point that we should add nutrients to our meals so add them to your cultured food you choose to eat. Add some exercise to your life, eat less fast food, and cook more at home.
So the questions still stand: How is food produced? Can we improve on the way we eat in the future? Can we start to eat spiritually and culturally? Can we drive by all the fast food corners? These are all questions you should keep in mind. Do we want our country to become obese because were lazy and wont exercise?

Lab three

Journal Questions
1) State a problem about the relationship of age and gender to blood pressure?
I think that men will have a higher blood pressure reading then wemon up until they get into there 45's then i think i'll see more blood pressures that are higher.

2) Use your knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system to make a hypothesis about how the average blood pressure for a group of people would be affected by manipulating the age and gender of the group members?
From my knowledge i beleive that men will have more hypertension than women. As for the age I think its safe to say that up until there 50's men will have higher blood pressure and well find more cases of hypertention compared to women.

3) How will you use the investigation screen to test your hypothesis? What steps will you follow? What data will you record?
To start I am going to test all the women and look at all the medical history charts that might show that their blood pressure is high. The n i will do the same to the men. After I plan to compare and see the main cause for the hypertension.

4) Analyze the result of your experiment. Explain any patterns you observed?
As the ages increased for the men the more hypertensions there were. As for the women there wasnt really too many cases until they got into there mid 40's. In almost every testing besides the 11-17 group there were up to 5 cases of hypertension. Most of the charts also stated that there was a lack of excersise, lots of salt or alcohol present so I wonder if thats a big factor of hypertension.

5) Did the result of your experiment support your hypothesis? Why or why not? Based on your experiment what conclusion can you draw about the relationship of age and gender to group blood pressure averages?
Yes, my experiment supported my hypothesis pretty close i would say. I stated that as you get older the blood pressure would and in my experiment that is just what happened. Women always had a lower blood pressure average and men always had more hypertension cases. As for gender the only thing that i can see is that the men weighted more then women so its a possibility that, that is why men have higher blood pressures.

6) During the course of your experiment, did you obtain any blood pressure reading that were outside of the normal range for the group being tested? What did you notice on the medical charts for these individuals that might explain their high reading?
Yes, infact i have a total of 14 abnormal readings. There were 4 case of family history, 11 cases of overweight, 7 cases of high-salt diet, 7 cases of lack of excersise, and 4 cases of alcohol consumption.

7) List risk factors associated with the hypertension. Based on your observation, which risk factor do you think is most closely associated with hypertension?
There were five factors that could have been checked and I think for the most part they all have something to d owith hypertension. Overweight, lack of excersise, high-salt diet, family history of hypertension, and alcohol consumption are the factors and i think they all have a role but my experiment showed that alcohol consumption was not as proitent as the others.

8) What effect might obesity have on blood pressure? Does obesity alone cause a person to be at risk for high blood pressure? What other factors, in combination with obesity, might increase a person's risk for high blood pressure?
Obesity was very high in the charts of those who hda hypertension. In the 11 cases I had theres something else stating that there is a lack of exercise or high-salt diet. Obese people i think have a higher risk of having a case of hypertension but I think that really if thats combined with any of the other factors it would greatly increase there chances.

Self evaluation Unit 2

This unit i would have to say was an interesting one and i am sure to use all the information in the future. I want to be a nurse and in this unit I learned to a pulse and understand blood pressure. When i did the big lab i was so excited we got to use what we learned and get some experience, even if it was on our own body. This unit covered so much about cells and veins and the blood that pumps through them. I never really understood why cells sickled or even why people couldn't get better from AIDS. Its all common sense but to know and understand the working functions of why these things happens is all science and I am glad that I read this unit as well as I did. Since I am pregnant when we were doing the lab where we had to write down everything we ate in a day, I was really embarrassed but glad that I did it just so i could see how unhealthy I really am now.

Compendium Review

Oxygen is blood, our body pumps five liters of blood through our body daily. Our blood transports the oxygen we need from our lungs and nutrients from our digestive system. To exchange surfaces in the kidneys and lungs it needs to move the waste and carbon dioxide. "Hemoglobin is a pigment that makes red blood cells and blood a red color. The heme is an iron-containing group in the center of each polypeptide chain. The globin is a protein that contains four highly folded polypeptide chains." Heme will accept oxygen, later releasing it to tissues. Four molecules of oxygen can be transported for each hemoglobin. 280 million molecules of hemoglobin are contained with RBC. Over a billion copies of oxygen can be carried by one single red blood cell.
Widely distributed in our environment are microbes. All activities from microbes are accepted greatly by our bodies. Bacteria produced foods are digested by humans everyday. An example of microbes could be, when a tree is on the ground after being cut down, it will eventually begin to rot. How you ask, well, it starts by all the fungi and bacteria, known as decomposer, start by breaking down the dead organism to inorganic nutrients. Which food for us wont be produced because plants need those molecules.
Active immunity is induced most often when are well to prevent future infections from happening.
Passive immunity is when you receive antibodies from an outside course. For example when you are pregnant your baby receives antibodies from you and when they pass through the placenta. Breast-feeding prolongs this because they continue to get it thought the breast milk.
AIDS patients have a deficiency in their immune system. Patients with AIDS seem to show greater risk of cancers and infections. Their immune system just cant keep up to fight off disease like it should.
A known hereditary disease, sickle-cell anemia, are sickle-shaped red blood cells that almost always rupture while moving through the capillaries. When two of the four hemoglobin chains is abnormal it can make a problem arise. In this case red blood cells have about 30 days less of their life then lose of normal red blood cells.

Friday, June 15, 2007


This unit was a nice one to do. I loved the activity that you chose for us to do because we got to do use our creative side so i am glade that you chose these labs for us to do this semester. Also I think that the power points were the most helpful of all i got to read the book then hear and see the material again which is something i am not used to being in the class room environment. I took biology in high school and learned all this stuff and that was only a year ago and when i started reading these chapters I started thinking how much you really don't remember and how each book is different and you can get so much out of reading more then one book. I think that me as a person did pretty good with this unit, it was fun and i enjoyed the work. Even though i am still having computer problems i think that i am going to do pretty well this semester as long as I get my computer fix or looked at.

Lab post...Microscopes

Animal Cell Model

My cell model resembles a working animal cell. It has almost the same working functions in it as a human cell. To start off I would like to take a look at the red ball that is to resemble the nucleus. Inside that is the nucleolus which are what the white beads are to stand for. Then we have the white outer core of the cell and that is to be the cell membrane.
The cytoplasm is semi fluid outside the nucleus which is resembled by the white area you can view from the top of the model.
Vesicles are membrane-bounded sac that stores and transports substances and are the blue beads
Microtubules are cylinders of protein molecules present in cytoplasm, the orange chenille are microtubules.
Intermediate filaments are protein fibers that provide support and strength, these are the yellow chenille’s
Action filaments are protein fibers that play a role in movement of cell and organelles, which are represented by the green chenille’s
Centrioles are short cylinders of microtubules of unknown function, the macaroni shows these
Coatrooms are microtubules organizing center that contains a pair of centrioles , these are resembled by the crossed macaroni
Lysosome is a vesicle that digest macromolecules and even cell parts, these are the green beads
Rough endoplasmic reticulum is just studded with ribosomes, this is the brown chenille
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum lacks ribosomes, synthesizes lipid molecules, these are the blue chenilles
Ribosomes are particles that carry out protein synthesis, they are the purple beads
Mitochondrion, organelle that carry out cellular respiration producing ATP molecules, black chenilles
Polyribosome, string of ribosomes simultaneously synthesizing same protein, pink beads
Golgi apparatus, processes, packages, and secretes modified cell products, pink chenille
Nuclear envelope, double membrane with nuclear pores that enclose nucleus, red outer rim
Chromatin, diffuse threads containing DNA and protein, white chenilles
Nucleolus, region that produces subunits of ribosomes, white beads

This is a top view of the nucleus. The whites beads are to resemble the nucleolus. The white chenilles are the chromatin.

This is the side view and I tried to get as many ribosomes to stay on the outer side as I could but as you can see there are a few so please recognize that there are more ribosomes on the out side of the nucleus.

This top view is the centrioles, centrosomes, lysosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, microtubules, intermediate filaments, actin filaments, and the polyribosome. Here I tried to use as much color to show just how much there really is that goes on inside a cell.

This was a little bit difficult but I got as close as I could get it. The pick chenille that you are looking at is the Golgi apparatus with the vesicles running between it ( the blue beads). The black blob you see is the mitochondrion, there isn’t as much detail in this picture as there is here looking at it.

Finally this is the top view of the cell. If I was not clear please ask question... if i did not do it right or you would like to see something else next time or even now please, please, please let me know.

This model, even though its like a sixth grader did it helped me to understand all the parts of a cell so much better. The different colors of chenilles help me remember that their functions are different then the beads in a way that I remember what they look like. The nucleus is the biggest part of a cell and almost like a brain. It almost is the main picture to a puzzle and all the other pieces are just the back ground to the picture.

Ethical Essay

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering today, has created a lot of issues in today’s communities. To explain a little about genetic engineering lets start with a basic cell. As we have learned a cell is the smallest functioning living matter. They can take many different shape but in the end they stick together to form tissues or organs.

Genetic engineering is what scientist call a “test tub science” and it is applied to the production of food way to soon. Looking at a cell in a test tub can only tell how it reacts and how it works alone. Which is neat but it doesn’t explain how it will behave or interact with other cells/genes. For an example the red test tube and the test tub were both tested separately but never together, So when mixed together separately there is no guarantee of what might happen there could be genetic defaults who knows. Like when there was an experiment on a fish, everything seemed fine until weeks later they discovered that the fish had grown way to quickly and was turning a greenish color, to me that doesn’t sound like I want to eat to this fish would you??

One scientist stated that with a more understanding and more experience its possible that one day there might be a success to genetic engineering. Although, the importance to understand that the non-success is a function of the “inherent limitation” of genetic engineering. As well as a reflection of how complex organisms progress and work properly. “Genetic Engineering has to over ride the regulatory processes at the cellular level in order to produce its intended effects.”

Its almost as if one scientist has more belief in genetic engineering than the other does. One is strong that it doesn’t work and never will and that other seems to believe that some day it will.

Genetic engineering has created a lot of problems for today’s communities. I think that if they can work out all the problems it might be a great thing. For example what fisher doesn’t want to catch a bigger and better fish? Or what farmer doesn’t want to grow bigger and bright tomatoes? It would be nice to have but who is really sure of what could happen from this genetic engineering?

Monday, June 4, 2007

Register Blog

Hi, my name is Karie Lake and i am hoping that through this class it will get me just steps closer to achieving my goals of becoming a nurse. By the end of this course i hope that i will understand a lot more about biology. I love to go shopping, spend time with my family and going to the beach. My favorite artist these days would have to be Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson, weird but i love their music. Section 10001.